Heinz-Otto Kreiss


Ph.D. Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) 1959 Sweden
Dissertation: Über die Lösung des Cauchyproblems für Lineare Partielle Differentialgleichungen mit Hilfe von Differenzengleichungen
Mathematics Subject Classification: 35—Partial differential equations

Advisor: Goeran Borg

Click here to see the students ordered by family name.

Widlund, OlofKungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH)1965147
Apelkrans, MatsUppsala Universitet1969
Sandewall, ErikUppsala Universitet196948
Sjöberg, AndersUppsala Universitet1969
Elvius, TorbjörnUppsala Universitet1971
Gustafsson, BertilUppsala Universitet197153
Fornberg, BengtUppsala Universitet197211
Oliger, JosephUppsala Universitet1973303
Engquist, BjörnUppsala Universitet1975229
Abrahamson, LeifUppsala Universitet1976
Sköllermo, GunillaUppsala Universitet1976
Starius, GöranUppsala Universitet1976
Scherer, GodelaUppsala Universitet1977
Prewitt, JudithUppsala Universitet1978
Wahlund, PerUppsala Universitet1978
Browning, GeraldNew York University1979
Majda, GeorgeNew York University19802
Barker, JohnCalifornia Institute of Technology1982
Brown, DavidCalifornia Institute of Technology1982
Scheid, RobertCalifornia Institute of Technology1982
Reyna, LuisCalifornia Institute of Technology1983
Henshaw, WilliamCalifornia Institute of Technology19854
Chesshire, GeoffreyCalifornia Institute of Technology1986
Naughton, MichaelCalifornia Institute of Technology1986
Johansson, ChristerUppsala Universitet1991
Petersson, NilsKungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH)19911
Wu, LixinUniversity of California, Los Angeles1991
Chang, Yu-ChungUniversity of California, Los Angeles1992
De Pillis, LisetteUniversity of California, Los Angeles1993
Malmliden, JohanKungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH)1994
Olsson Hector, FredrikKungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH)1995
Paik, MeegyeongUniversity of California, Los Angeles1995
Zeitzew, MichaelUniversity of California, Los Angeles1995
Yström, JacobKungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH)1996
Motamed, MohammadKungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH)20082

According to our current on-line database, Heinz-Otto Kreiss has 35 students and 824 descendants.
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