There are 72 mathematicians whose last name begin with CLI.

Click, Reid The University of Chicago 1994
Click, Jr., Clifford Rice University 1995
Clickner, Robert Florida State University 1972
Cliett, Otis University of Georgia 1970
Cliff, David University of Sussex 1992
Cliff, Emily University of Oxford 2015
Cliff, Eugene University of Arizona 1970
Cliff, Gerald University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1975
Cliff, Norman Princeton University 1957
Cliffe, Alexander James University of Oxford 2023
Cliffe, Emma University of Bath 2007
Cliffe, K.
Cliffe, Owen University of Bath 2006
Clifford, Alfred California Institute of Technology 1933
Clifford, Andrew State University of New York at Albany 1994
Clifford, David The University of Chicago 2004
Clifford, Edward University of Maryland College Park 2010
Clifford, Eleanor University of Nottingham 2005
Clifford, F. University of Cambridge 1964
Clifford, James State University of New York at Stony Brook 1982
Clifford, John Michigan State University 1998
Clifford, Peter Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2003
Clifford, Peter University of California, Berkeley 1969
Clifford, William University of Cambridge 1868
Clift, Richard Loughborough University 2015
Clift, Shawn University of Kentucky 2008
Clift, Simon University of Waterloo 2007
Clifton, Alexander Emory University 2022
Clifton, Christopher Princeton University 1991
Clifton, Cody University of Kansas 2015
Clifton, Curtis Iowa State University 2005
Clifton, James University of Wisconsin-Madison 1975
Clifton, Joseph Iowa State University 1980
Clifton, Robert University of Cambridge 1991
Clifton, Rodney Carnegie Mellon University 1964
Clifton, Sara Northwestern University 2017
Clifton, Timothy University of Cambridge 2006
Clifton, Yeaton Columbia University 1961
Clímaco, João
Climenhaga, Vaughn The Pennsylvania State University 2010
Climent, Eric Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse 1996
Climent, Joan-Josep Universitat Politècnica de València 1993
Climescu-Haulica, Adriana École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) 1999
Clinch, Katie Queen Mary, University of London 2017
Cline, Alan University of Michigan 1970
Cline, Danny Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 2004
Cline, Daren Colorado State University 1983
Cline, David University of Wisconsin-Madison 1965
Cline, Douglas University of Texas at Austin 1987
Cline, Douglas University of Manchester 1963
Cline, Edward California Institute of Technology 1966
Cline, Jerry Purdue University 1967
Cline, Jon Princeton University 2003
Cline, Kelly University of Colorado at Boulder 2003
Cline, Lewis The University of Iowa 1935
Cline, Melissa University of California, Santa Cruz 2000
Cline, Randall Purdue University 1963
Cline, Zachary Temple University 2019
Clines, Michael Texas Tech University 2023
Clingempeel, Joel Rutgers University, New Brunswick 2019
Clinger, Barbara University of Texas at Austin 1963
Clinger, William Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1981
Clingher, Adrian Columbia University 2002
Clingman, Tslil The Johns Hopkins University 2022
Clini, Andrea University of Oxford 2024
Clinkenbeard, Dennis University of California, Riverside 1978
Clint, Maurice Queen's University of Belfast 1970
Clinton, Chelsea University of Oregon 2012
Clinton, Roy Southern Illinois University at Carbondale 1987
Clippinger, Richard Harvard University 1940
Clisby, Nathan State University of New York at Stony Brook 2004
Clivio, Andrea Giovanni ETH Zürich 1987