There are 43 mathematicians whose last name begin with GLU.
Glubokov, Andrey | The University of New Mexico | 2005 |
Glubrecht, Jürgen-Michael | Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel | 1976 |
Glubudom, Prisana | Universität Potsdam | 2009 |
Gluchoff, Alan | University of Wisconsin-Madison | 1981 |
Gluchshenko, Olga | Technische Universität Kaiserslautern | 2008 |
Gluck, David | The University of Chicago | 1978 |
Gluck, Herman | Princeton University | 1961 |
Gluck, Lawrence | Illinois Institute of Technology | 1971 |
Gluck, Mathew R | University of Florida | 2014 |
Glück, Elsie | University of Wisconsin-Madison | 1929 |
Glück, Jochen | Universität Ulm | 2016 |
Glück, Lothar | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | 1974 |
Glück, Roland | Universität Augsburg | 2014 |
Gluckman, Perry | Stanford University | 1970 |
Glucksam, Adi | Tel Aviv University | 2018 |
Glücksohn, Jakob | Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg | 1931 |
Glueck, Deborah | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | 1996 |
Glueckstein, Jon | University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee | 1997 |
Glüge, Rainer | Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg | 2009 |
Glüge, Rainer | Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg | 2016 |
Gluhovsky, Alexander | Russian Academy of Sciences | 1973 |
Gluhovsky, Ilya | Stanford University | 1999 |
Glukhov, M. | Moscow State Pedagogical Institute | 1962 |
Glunt, William (Buddy) | University of Kentucky | 1991 |
Gluščević, Vido | University of Adelaide | 2004 |
Gluschankof, Daniel | Universidad de Buenos Aires | 1989 |
Glushak, A. | Voronezh State University | 1977 |
Glushak, Inna | Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University | 2019 |
Glushakova, Tatiana | Voronezh State University | |
Glushankova, Larisa | Voronezh State University | 1977 |
Glushkin, I. | ||
Glushko, E. | Voronezh State University | 1989 |
Glushko, Vladimir | Voronezh State University | 1961 |
Glushkov, Viktor | Lomonosov Moscow State University | 1955 |
Glushkov, Viktor | Ural State University | 1951 |
Glüsing-Lüerssen, Heide | Universität Bremen | 1991 |
Gluskin, Efim | ||
Gluskin, Lazarʹ | Vasyl Karazin Kharkiv National University | 1952 |
Glusman, Marcelo | Technion-Israel Institute of Technology | 2003 |
Gluss, Brian | University of California, Berkeley | 1965 |
Glutsyuk, Alexey | Lomonosov Moscow State University | 1996 |
Gluvna Munn, Jamie | University of South Florida | 2019 |
Gluzman, Mark | Cornell University | 2022 |