Poster colors
A full chart of color options is also available, but we find that the full chart is overwhelming. Thus, we've assembled some of our most popular color combinations below. If you would like to specify a specific color by hex code, we can also use that for your colors.
Note that it is technically possible to produce light text on a dark background. However, the print material and ink tends to show fingerprints when dark backgrounds are used. Also, the ink intensity can vary. We do our best to ensure quality on all our orders, but we regret that we are unable to guarantee perfect print jobs if you want a dark background color. If you are wondering if a color is too dark, don't hesitate to ask, and we can let you know our experience with it.
black on antiquewhite | black on skyblue1 |
black on cadetblue3 | black on gold |
black on ivory2 | black on navajowhite3 |