There are 80 mathematicians whose last name begin with APP.
Appadu, Appanah | University of Mauritius | 2010 |
Appadwedula, Swaroop | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | 2003 |
Appaiah, Kumar | University of Texas at Austin | 2013 |
Appavoo, Jonathan | University of Toronto | 2005 |
Appel, Andrea | Northeastern University | 2013 |
Appel, Andrew | Carnegie Mellon University | 1985 |
Appel, Daniel | Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf | 2010 |
Appel, Daniel | University of California, Berkeley | 2017 |
Appel, Daniel | Royal Holloway, University of London | 2010 |
Appel, Florence | University of Illinois at Chicago | 1992 |
Appel, Heiko | Freie Universität Berlin | 2007 |
Appel, Joachim | Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig | 1955 |
Appel, Justin | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | 1997 |
Appel, Katrin | Bergische Universität Wuppertal | 2006 |
Appel, Kenneth | University of Michigan | 1959 |
Appel, Martin | The Johns Hopkins University | 1991 |
Appel, Ron | California Institute of Technology | 2017 |
Appelbaum, Elizabeth | University of Missouri - Kansas City | 1970 |
Appelbaum, Jacob | Technische Universiteit Eindhoven | 2022 |
Appelbaum, Mark | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | 1969 |
Appelbaum, Melvin (Mel) | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | 1983 |
Appelbaum, Peter | University of Michigan | 1992 |
Appell, Jürgen | Freie Universität Berlin | 1978 |
Appell, Kristina | Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg | 1999 |
Appell, Paul | Université de Paris | 1876 |
Appelo, Daniel | Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) | 2005 |
Appelquist, Thomas | Cornell University | 1968 |
Appelrath, Hans-Jürgen | Universität Dortmund | 1983 |
Appelt, Silvia | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | 2011 |
Appelt, Timothy | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 1984 |
Appelt, Wolfgang | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn | 1973 |
Appeltans, Pieter | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | 2023 |
Appeltauer, Malte | Universität Potsdam | 2012 |
Appenzeller, Fred | Universität Zürich | 1985 |
Apperley, Mark | University of Auckland | 1971 |
Apperson, Charles | University of California, Riverside | 1974 |
Appert, Antoine | Université de Paris | 1934 |
Appert, Gautier | Institut Polytechnique de Paris | 2020 |
Appiah, Frank | University of Kentucky | 2017 |
Appiah, Isaac | University of Fort Hare | 2020 |
Appiah, Kwame | University of Cambridge | 1981 |
Appiou Nikiforou, Marina | University of South Florida | 2003 |
Appis, Raul | Universidade Federal de São Carlos | 2022 |
Applebaugh, Gwendolyn | Kansas State University | 1977 |
Applebaugh, William | Kansas State University | 1977 |
Applebaum, Benny | Technion-Israel Institute of Technology | 2007 |
Applebaum, Charles | Rutgers University, New Brunswick | 1969 |
Applebaum, David | University of Nottingham | 1984 |
Applebaum, Doris | University of Colorado at Denver | 1999 |
Applebee, Ralph | Oregon State University | 1972 |
Appleboim, Eli | Technion-Israel Institute of Technology | 2014 |
Appleby, Derek | ||
Appleby, Glenn | University of California, Los Angeles | 1993 |
Appleby, John | Dublin City University | 1999 |
Appleby, Paul | Freie Universität Berlin | 2010 |
Applegate, David | Carnegie Mellon University | 1991 |
Applegate, Harry | Columbia University | 1965 |
Applegate, Heidi | The Pennsylvania State University | 1996 |
Appleman, Jacob | New York University | 1987 |
Appleson, Robert | Vanderbilt University | 1975 |
Appleton, Edward | University of Cambridge | 1913 |
Appleton, James | University of Strathclyde | 1986 |
Appleton, Randy | University of Kentucky | 1996 |
Applewhite, Carl | Oklahoma State University | 1969 |
Appleyard, David | University of Wisconsin-Madison | 1970 |
Appleyard, Dennis | University of Michigan | 1966 |
Appleyard, Edgar | University of Cambridge | 1929 |
Applin, Ann | University of Southern Mississippi | 1998 |
Appling, William | University of Texas at Austin | 1958 |
Appold, Christian | Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg | 2015 |
Appolloni, Luigi | Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca | 2023 |
Appolo, Mvengue | Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis | 1995 |
Apprato, Dominique | Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour | 1978 |
Apprato, Dominique | Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour | 1987 |
Apps, Andrew | University of Cambridge | 1982 |
Apps, Philip | University of Wisconsin-Madison | 1998 |
Appuhamillage, Thilanka Iresh | Oregon State University | 2011 |
Appuhammilaggi, Suresh | Southern Illinois University at Carbondale | 2010 |
Appuhamy, Amila | University of Toledo | 2013 |
Appuswamy, Raja | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | 2014 |