There are 95 mathematicians whose last name begin with BED.
Béda, Noël | Collège de Montaigu | 1494, 1508 |
Bedair, Khaled | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University | 2014 |
Bedaque, Paulo | University of Rochester | 1994 |
Bedard, Alfred Joseph | University of Colorado at Boulder | 1982 |
Bedard, Diane | Université de Montréal | 1997 |
Bedard, Kelly | Queen's University at Kingston | 1996 |
Bedard, Michael | Brown University | 2019 |
Bedard, Robert | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 1983 |
Bedard, Yvan | ||
Bédard, Donald | Royal Military College of Canada | 2013 |
Bédard, Mylène | University of Toronto | 2006 |
Bedaride, Nicolas | Université de la Méditerranée | 2005 |
Bedathur, Srikanta | Indian Institute of Science | 2006 |
Beddaa, Abdelouahhab | École Normale Supérieure de Rabat | 1987 |
Beddaa, Abdu | Université Mohammed V -Agdal, Rabat | 1997 |
Beddani, Charef | Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III | 2007 |
Beddhu, Murali | Mississippi State University | 1993 |
Beddiaf, Sara | Université d'Angers | 2013 |
Beddo, Vanessa | University of California, Los Angeles | 2003 |
Beddoes, Michael | Imperial College London | 1956 |
Bede, Barnabas | Babeş-Bolyai University | 2004 |
Bedeaux, Dick | Universiteit Utrecht | 1969 |
Bedekar, Prajakta | University of Houston | 2020 |
Bedell, Frederick | Cornell University | 1892 |
Bedenikovic, Anthony | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | 2000 |
Beder, Jay | The George Washington University | 1981 |
Beder, Jesse | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | 2012 |
Bederson, Ben | ||
Bedewy, Ahmed | Ohio University | 2021 |
Bedford, David | University of Surrey | 1991 |
Bedford, Eric | University of Michigan | 1974 |
Bedford, Judith | University of Liverpool | 1978 |
Bedford, Timothy | University of Warwick | 1984 |
Bedgood, Dale | Oklahoma State University | 1964 |
Bedi, Harpreet | The George Washington University | 2018 |
Bedi, Surinder | ||
Bedi, Tejasv | University of Texas at Dallas | 2023 |
Bedichek, Robert | University of Washington | 1994 |
Bedient, Jack | University of Colorado at Boulder | 1966 |
Bedient, Phillip | University of Michigan | 1959 |
Bedient, Richard | University of Michigan | 1980 |
Bedijn, Pieter | Universiteit Leiden | 1977 |
Bedikyan, Sevan | Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi | 2013 |
Bedin, Luciano | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul | 2005 |
Bedingfield, N. | Monash University | 1978 |
Bedini, Ivan | Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines | 2010 |
Bedini, Matteo | Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | 2012 |
Bedini, Matteo | Université de Bretagne Occidentale | 2012 |
Bediz, Asral | Istanbul University | 1955 |
Bedjaoui, Nabil | École Polytechnique | 1996 |
Bednar, James | University of Texas at Austin | 2002 |
Bednar, Jenna | Stanford University | 1998 |
Bednar, Jonnie | University of Texas at Austin | 1968 |
Bednarchak, Debe | City University of New York | 1994 |
Bednarczuk, Ewa | Polska Akademia Nauk | 1986 |
Bednarczyk, Bartosz Jan | Technische Universität Dresden | 2024 |
Bednarczyk, Marek | University of Sussex | 1987 |
Bednarek, Alexander | State University of New York at Buffalo | 1961 |
Bednarek, Ingo | Technische Universität Dortmund | 2009 |
Bednarek, Władysław | Uniwersytet Łódzki | 1978 |
Bednarek-Kozek, Bogusława | Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences | 1974 |
Bednarska, Anna | Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej | 2015 |
Bednarska, Malgorzata | Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu | 2000 |
Bednarski, Andrzej | Linköpings Universitet | 2006 |
Bednarski, Danielle | Universität zu Lübeck | 2024 |
Bednarski, Tadeusz | University of California, Berkeley | 1976 |
Bednarz, Adam | Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza | 2009 |
Bednarz, David | University of Michigan | 1984 |
Bednarz, John | University of Adelaide | 1982 |
Bednarz, Mariusz | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen | 2003 |
Bednarz, Nadine | Université de Paris | 1971 |
Bednarz, Philip | Stanford University | 1997 |
Bednarz, Urszula | Politechnika Łódzka | 2005 |
Bednarz III, Edward | University of Maryland Baltimore County | 2012 |
Bednazh, Vera | St. Petersburg State Pedagogical University | 2007 |
Bednorz, Witold | Uniwersytet Warszawski | 2005 |
Bedon, Nicolas | Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée | 1998 |
Bédorf, Jeroen | Universiteit Leiden | 2014 |
Bedos, Erik | Universitetet i Oslo | 1987 |
Bedouhene, Fazia | ||
Bedoya, Hernando | Syracuse University | 1973 |
Bedoya, Hernando | Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada | 1986 |
Bedoya Reina, Oscar | The Pennsylvania State University | 2014 |
Bedratyuk, Leonid | Lomonosov Moscow State University | 1995 |
Bedrax-Weiss, Tania | University of Oregon | 1999 |
Bedregal, Benjamín | Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife | 1996 |
Bedrick, Edward | University of Minnesota - Twin Cities | 1984 |
Bedros, Varoujan | University of Montana | 2003 |
Bedrosian, Geghard | Universität Bielefeld | 2015 |
Bedrossian, Jacob | University of California, Los Angeles | 2011 |
Bedrouni, Samir | Université des sciences et de la technologie Houari-Boumediene | 2017 |
Bedulli, Lucio | Università degli Studi di Firenze | 2004 |
Bedürftig, Thomas | Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen | 1973 |
Beduz, Carlo | Technische Universiteit Delft | 1973 |
Bedworth, Mark | University of Aston | 1999 |