There are 60 mathematicians whose last name begin with BISH.

Bish, Charles The George Washington University 1942
Bish, Ebru Boğaziçi University
Bisheban, Mahdis The George Washington University 2019
Bisheh, Morteza University of Sistan and Baluchestan 2012
Bishir, John North Carolina State University 1961
Bishko, Graeme University of Leeds 1997
Bishnani, Zahir University of Warwick 1997
Bishnoi, Anuj Panjab University, Chandigarh 2012
Bishnoi, Anurag Universiteit Gent 2016
Bishop, Abigail North Carolina State University 2015
Bishop, Alan Imperial College London 1952
Bishop, Alan University of Cambridge 1985
Bishop, Alan Western Michigan University 1972
Bishop, Alan University of Hull 1969
Bishop, Alex University of Technology, Sydney 2022
Bishop, Allison University of Texas at Austin 2012
Bishop, Bradford Duke University 2013
Bishop, Brenden The Ohio State University 2017
Bishop, Cameron Wesleyan University 2023
Bishop, Charles The University of Chicago 1952
Bishop, Christopher The University of Edinburgh 1983
Bishop, Christopher The University of Chicago 1987
Bishop, Craig Monash University 1989
Bishop, David University of Sheffield 1978
Bishop, Edward University of California, Berkeley 1991
Bishop, Ernest McMaster University 1967
Bishop, Errett The University of Chicago 1955
Bishop, Gary The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1984
Bishop, Gregory The Ohio State University 1992
Bishop, Jesse University of Minnesota - Twin Cities 2005
Bishop, John University of Reading 1989
Bishop, John University of Michigan 1974
Bishop, John The University of Chicago 1959
Bishop, Lisa University of Washington 2011
Bishop, Marcus National University of Ireland, Galway 2010
Bishop, Matthew Purdue University 1984
Bishop, Matthew Carnegie Mellon University 1999
Bishop, Merle New York University 1937
Bishop, Michael University of Arizona 2013
Bishop, Nigel University of Southampton 1977
Bishop, Peter Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1977
Bishop, R. University of Toronto 1976
Bishop, Richard Stanford University 1951
Bishop, Richard University of California, Berkeley 1971
Bishop, Richard Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1959
Bishop, Robert Rice University 1990
Bishop, Robert Harvard University 1949
Bishop, Shannon Georgia Institute of Technology 2010
Bishop, Stephen Brown University 1965
Bishop, Steven Polytechnic of North London 1986
Bishop, Thomas University of Michigan 2004
Bishop, Tom The University of Edinburgh 2008
Bishop, Wayne Western Michigan University 1971
Bishop, William State University of New York at Stony Brook 1996
Bishop-Ross, Rachel University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa 2012
Bishoyi, Abhishek University of Connecticut 2017
Bisht, Kavita Indian Institute of Technology, Madras 2017
Bisht, Nitin Indian Institute of Technology Indore 2021
Bisht, Pranav Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 2022
Bishwal, Jayaprakash Sambalpur University 2000