Donald A. S. Fraser


Ph.D. Princeton University 1949 UnitedStates
Dissertation: Generalized Hit Probabilities with a Gaussian Target

Advisor 1: John Wilder Tukey
Advisor 2: Samuel Stanley Wilks

Click here to see the students listed in chronological order.

Abebe, FisseheUniversity of Toronto1994
Ali, MirUniversity of Toronto1969
Ali, MirUniversity of Toronto196166
Andrews, DavidUniversity of Toronto196829
Banerjee, SourendaUniversity of Toronto1964
Beatty, RichardUniversity of Toronto1966
Bishop, R.University of Toronto1976
Bondar, JamesUniversity of Toronto1967
Brenner, DavidUniversity of Toronto1977
Brimacombe, MichaelUniversity of Toronto1991
Cairns, MalcolmUniversity of Toronto1975
Cakmak, SabitUniversity of Toronto1994
Cheah, PiangUniversity of Toronto1993
Dobriyal, AlokUniversity of Toronto1985
Evans, MichaelUniversity of Toronto197782
Fick, GordonUniversity of Toronto19786
Gebotys, RobertUniversity of Toronto1984
Greenwich, MichaelUniversity of Toronto1987
Guttman, IrwinUniversity of Toronto195511
Haq, M.University of Toronto19668
Hastings, W.University of Toronto19621
Kalotay, AndrewUniversity of Toronto1968
Klass, WilliamUniversity of Toronto1970
Knight, WilliamUniversity of Toronto1959
Kuhn, JonathanUniversity of Toronto1994
Lai, HongxinUniversity of Toronto2007
Lee, Hyun-SukUniversity of Toronto1989
Lee, Y.University of Toronto1969
Levenbach, HansUniversity of Toronto1968
Li, RongcaiUniversity of Toronto2001
Lin, WeiUniversity of Toronto2016
Mackay, Jock (Ritchie)University of Toronto197112
Monette, GeorgesUniversity of Toronto1980
Naderisamani, AmirUniversity of Toronto1988
Ng, Kai-WangUniversity of Toronto19752
Plante, François-AndréUniversity of Toronto1964
Prentice, RossUniversity of Toronto197099
Sackay, SamuelUniversity of Toronto1985
Steinberg, LeonardUniversity of Toronto1967
Taback, N.University of Toronto1998
Tan, PeterUniversity of Toronto1968
van Belle, GeraldUniversity of Toronto196725
Whitney, JamesUniversity of Toronto1968
Wong, ChiUniversity of Toronto199010
Wu, JianrongUniversity of Toronto1999
Yi, GraceUniversity of Toronto200013
Yuan, X.New York University1996
Yuan, XiaobinUniversity of Toronto2005
Yuan, XiaojinYork University1996
Zeng, Q.New York University1996
Zeng, QingningYork University1996

According to our current on-line database, Donald Fraser has 51 students and 415 descendants.
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